The Good Instructor Frenzy – New Version 2.00 [LovelyBone Productions]

The new school instructor in town is now teaching at Queen Stone Academy with a lot of hot girls. And back home, he has the best female neighbors. Join the roller coaster ride of our protagonist, who finds himself in the middle of an interesting but challenging daily life.
Date: 18.11.2024 Language: English Version: 2.00 Censored: No 1. Extract and run.
v2.00 474 total images 7 total animations
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12 responses to “The Good Instructor Frenzy – New Version 2.00 [LovelyBone Productions]”
When will you update the second part of this game. Please reply…
Hello, this is latest version 0.30, I am not sure which second part do you need? 🙂
What inexperienced person wrote this, the renders are nice but the models are inconsistent, the dialogue between the characters and the MC are all over the place and even repeated a few times within the same conversation, it is some of the worst writing I have seen. Also the story just doesn’t flow it is a confused mess. Oh and can someone please tell me why dev’s think girls all girls are sluts? Cause I seriously don’t understand it, he puts a lesbian and a gay dude here but he makes the girl the slut and the guy the flirt. That alone makes him a joke of a dev to me
Best game
It’s definitely lacking a lot of important choices, the creator is basically choosing for you that sucks, there’s a few characters that i am not interested in and I can’t do anything about it and that’s a big no no the story only has one path.
If you are looking for a VN that you can make all the choices whether they are big or small that has more than one path this is not the game for you.
Well, this guy broke the first rule.
No girls under age of 18.
And one of them after sucking cock even says she is underage.
And as someone mentioned above , every girl seems to want to fuck the moment they meet the guy. No ifs or buts, no questions asked , lets just fuck. And you have no choice in the matter at all.
Why all games no compressed???
I was both wrong and right about this.
Game starts very wrong. With enforced sluts and std all over the place.
But if you force skip all that. When mc finally moves into the house , different story starts. Slut from school is gone as if it never happened and things changed.
I guess he saw errors in his ways but didnt redo the scenes.
Anyway , after that good stuff starts happening. Solid animations , solid sex scenes. And even has
girlfriends sister kink! Very good.
A game without animation and video details is not worth a damn!!! and continue undaunted to publish shitty games, and that’s it!!! publish good games, not some crap like this!!!
saved game states load as an error and therefore you have to start from the beginning