A Father’s Sins – New Chapters 35+36 [Pixieblink]

Info: An ancient Evil returns. A murder. An age old Church conspiracy crumbles. And magic re-awakens in your city.

Date: 13.01.2025
Language: English
Version: Chapter 36 Public
Censored: No

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Chapters 35 & 36 [release 01/13/25]
– Maddy’s past is revealed. All the pieces of the puzzle comes together. Jehannes sneaks through the Vatican, the MC takes Maddy to the infirmary to heal her. And takes charge of the team.

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Download for Windows Download from Ranoz Download from Qiwi Download from AkiraBox Download from Mega Download from Racaty
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Download for Android Download from Ranoz Download from Qiwi Download from ApkBox Download from TeraBox Download from Apkadmin Download from Aupfile

Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , File size: 2790 mb Creators: http://www.patreon.com/pixieblink

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12 responses to “A Father’s Sins – New Chapters 35+36 [Pixieblink]”

  1. Anónimo says:

    Hola si quieren jugar el juego ma mierdero que puedan jugar jueguen este, 14 capítulos para solo ver una paja con la mano y una paja con las tetas, todo lo demás es leer y leer y aburrirte leyendo este programador debe ser gay y no gustarle hacerle el amor a 5 o 6 mujeres que están con el todo el tiempo y lo único que hace es hablar y hablar hasta el cansancio. DESPIERTA PROGRAMADOR QUE AQUI ESTAMOS PARA JUGAR JUEGOS DONDE TE FOLLES A TODAS LAS CHICAS Y DESPUES ELLAS TE RUEGUEN POR SER FOLLADAS DE NUEVO NO ESTAMOS PARA TANTA CHARLA.

    • Grimm says:

      Go watch porn then, no need to read anything there. Your last comment in all caps is such a virgin thing to say and to make it all caps is just more proof. Also this is a adult novel with erotic content not porn know the difference idiot.

      • Anónimo says:

        Debes ser muy estúpido para no saber que es erotismo y que es pornografía. Desde que veas una paja con la mano o con lo que sea ya es porno comemierda, erotismo es enseñar una teta tapándosela con la mano, y además esta es una página para juegos de adultos estúpido se espera que haya contenido porno, si no estás de acuerdo ponte a jugar muñequitos acorde a tu conocimiento y tu mentalidad estúpido. Lo que se espera es que haya un poco de acción y no que haya que estar 14 capítulos leyendo una historia que además de ser ficticia no tiene ningún sentido y encima de eso no tener ninguna acción. Aprende un poco las diferencias antes de emitir algún comentario nuevamente ANORMAL.

        • Reaper says:

          LMAO, thanks for proving my point. You just said a bunch of words that make no sense to what I said and even worse you pretty much admitted you have ZERRO real life experience.

  2. rufruf says:

    Story is amazingly written. Very clever!
    I salute the writer.
    That being said. Avoid PUBLIC releases…
    There are only few video scenes and they are Censored with huge “Censored” all over the screen

    • rufruf says:

      To be more precise it says “you are currently playing public release , download the uncensored version” over the screen

    • Grimm says:

      Agreed, that is a cheap act by the Dev just to get paid not a fan of him doing that and the reason I don’t support him, can’t stand Dev’s that try to milk every penny they can from people also don’t play the game anymore cause I heard he likes throwing NTR stuff in after awhile and it is not optional

  3. rufruf says:

    It’s gone to hell.
    Dev on patreon said he removed all future sex scenes from this game. And is going to release separate “alternate universe” version of the game with sex in it.

    As much as story was interested to read, primary motivation is sex. After all we, humans, everything we do is sex driven. Remove that from equation and u get ..well no motivation.

    I couldnt care less about “alternate universe” game, dream sex or flashbacks and shit.

    That being said. I said good bye to this game.

  4. giorgi says:

    what in the blue gorillas ass is going on in this game?

  5. Orion says:

    não sei como um jogo tão chato consegue que tantos capítulos

  6. Rob says:

    No es solo la falta de contenido para estar en este tipo de paginas, sino que siento que apenas he decidico nada, tan solo la propina que doy en la cafeteria.

  7. Enrico63 says:

    That bastard developer still insists on putting mosaics on sex scenes, to get a payment to have the full game without artifacts, you’re just a profiteering bastard, may the devil take you to hell!!!! Dog shit!!!!

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