A Wife’s Life – New Version 0.8.0 [Kerosine_NTR]

Info: The plot of A Wife’s Life centers around a young couple who have just gotten married and moved to another town. As the newlyweds settle into their new home, they face financial problems, which lead to a series of events. One day, the husband finds out that his wife has found a new job. He really doesn’t like her new job. But what is he supposed to do? Should he get his wife to quit her job or support her to get rid of their financial problems? What will the consequences of his choice be? Play A Wife’s Life to find out.​

Date: 08.01.2025
Language: English
Version: 0.8.0
Censored: No

1. Extract and run.

We remind you that the new update will focus on the storyline where the wife quits her job at the camp. This time, the update will feature more shared content, but the amount of new content will be roughly the same as usual. Some parts have been adapted from previous updates, slightly modified to fit this branch better.
However, we are confident that you will enjoy what we have prepared for you!
Oh, and yes—the storyline where the wife quits the camp job will conclude in this update. As mentioned earlier, we’ve decided to stop unnecessarily extending the plot by repeating events. This approach wasn’t the best, and we’ve decided it’s time to end that practice.
We’ve also added a Quick Start button in the main menu, allowing you to jump straight into the new content.
Additionally, this update will not include the content protection we used last time. While it might return in the future, the game will not be protected this time.

Download links
Download for Windows Download from Ranoz Download from Qiwi Download from AkiraBox Download from Mega Download from Racaty Download from Aupfile
Download for MAC Download from Mega Download from Racaty Download from Aupfile

Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , File size: 2970 mb Creators: https://www.patreon.com/Kerosine_NTR

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34 responses to “A Wife’s Life – New Version 0.8.0 [Kerosine_NTR]”

  1. peter says:

    good game but the wife is a real airhead…seriously?? the MC is a bit of a limp wrist as well. still a pretty good game but would be nice if the MC could have more of a backbone and FYI…the whole black cock thing is or has gotten really stale.

    • Aman says:

      do yooooou have more games like this one? i need it

    • peter says:

      play a wifes phone, its really good as well. theres a few others like that but this one is the best(my opinion for what its worth although a wifes life is shaping to be good, I just hope the dev keeps up with the choices0

  2. Bakajoko says:

    I dont understent, like i now that MC is a cunt but once he fucking good the boss daughter, second his wife screeming “im cumming” and from nowhere i read that he has small cock and he cant last long? And this bbc bnwo shit is to much for me..

  3. peter says:

    dev…please keep up with the choices man, so many of us hate NTR purely because u have no choice e.g. you have to let the guy fuck ur wife etc or you can choose no) It makes such a difference between a good game and a waste of time

  4. peter says:

    well (spoiler alert) turns out the wife is a fcking whore…I shouldve guessed. MC is a whipped soon toi be if not already cuckold. man how good could this game have been with some choices…I can see where its heading..instead of divorcing the slut and punching the hot out of the guys fcking her the MC is gonna go all but I love her so I’ll just sit by while u black guys fcuk my wife… total waste of time now.

  5. Ragajaga says:

    As far as phone perspective games go this one sucks. The story is rushed, makes almost no sense and the only story defining choices you can make are if your secretary likes you and wont cuck you. 1/10 rating, hurry up and get your “game” done with and return to real life

  6. mohangutti says:

    Waiting for complete version. Please make it happen soon cause its been a long time since previous update.

  7. Peter says:

    yeah…persevering with this one but I cant believe the MC (who has so much evidence against his wife…and mother hasnt told her its divorce if you dont stop everything. Most guys wouldve kicked her slutty ass out ages ago and put a bullet in the black guys disgusting head. I hope the dev allows the MC some backbone as he’s a real wimp now…he deserves everything thats happening purely because he wont sit his slut down and tell her….as for a rating out of 10…was good somewherev around 6 or 7, now its lucky to be a 4 and im being nice.

  8. Wera says:

    mac version when ? last two versions were for windows only

  9. Wera says:

    again No MAC version disappointing

    • affemithirn says:

      you notice that you didn’t understand why the story is about and I skipped a lot and so I quickly realized why it is about

  10. Peter says:

    For fcuks sake..how can a man be so limp wristed. It does my head in playing this game, hoping the MC will grow a backbone but he’s getting worse. Hasnt he ever heard of a baseball bat or a revolver? Oh well, stupid gets what stupid deserves. wish he’d start kicking some ass or dumping some ass. I must be bored or brain dead to keep playing this annoying game.

  11. affemithirn says:

    the way you have set it up is ok but you are partly pulling it like a kaugumi then you bring in side quests that don’t really take place and then you can suddenly decide something from the girlfriend’s point of view but why so late please I don’t understand. you definitely shouldn’t overdo the kaugumi text in something like this because it gets boring

  12. Trevor says:

    The download is for a wife’s phone, not a wife’s life.

  13. peter says:

    wrong download admin..is for AWifesPHone and not wifes life

  14. Goblin0427 says:

    Android port?

  15. Oggh says:

    Please for Android

  16. Aman says:

    is anyone have Discord server link of this game? if yes please send it here.

  17. peter says:

    anyone having trouble with loading saves from previous version…cant get them to load at all so have to start again.

  18. Santosh Bhai says:

    Android version please

  19. Santosh Bhai says:

    Android version please request to you bro ☺️

  20. peter says:

    is this a continuance of the game as I cant see where it continues on? Nothing in the changelog. I downloaded it but it finishes when the previous version finished. Wondering where the new content is?

  21. Aman says:

    Its not Updated, its a same old version.

    • peter says:

      yeah thanks for that. It says new version so I dont know why they said that. Dont know why Im still playing as the wife and mother are really pissing me of. Guess I was hoping the MC would grow a set of balls and sort them out. hasnt this guys heard of a shotgun?lol

  22. bob says:

    Just keep re-posting the same version.

  23. Peter says:

    WTF is going on with this latest update??? it doesnt continue from the last version??? Am I missing something? Why would you put this crap on here if it doesnt continue the story. Are their better graphics? Better story? Who knows as theres nothing in the changelog to suggest anything new in fact therees nothing there so what gives???

    • Aman says:

      nh bro its a updated version. but as you are saying its not progressing in story, I had a same problem earlier, its just because of a silly mistake done my the developer in code. I have fixed it and story is going great. just open the code and fix it.

      • peter says:

        hey man, thx for the info but i wouldnt know how to do that so the point is moot. My point is the story should be fixed by dev and then put back on the game board otherwise its useless having it here, most guys cant or dont want to mess around with a games code..game is good…just needs to be fixed.

  24. Tactrix says:

    Why do you have phone games with no Android version? Tha game is literally a phone. That should have been the first version out.

  25. Axel says:

    Maybe u can make this game to android port.
    I Will be very very apreciate it.

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