Paccsu – Version 0.22 [Zem]

“Paccsu – Namu’s Journey is a LEWD RPG game set in a fantasy world called Paccsu. You take control of a Muh’kean girl called Namu, who was taken away from her birth parents at a young age to be a part of a holy ritual in Muh’kea’sdesperate attempt to fight The Undying King, the King of Zombies. She was taken to Kingdom of Ruo’ho by a human refugee couple to live by the shadow of the mystical Tukeva Tower, where she would live her life, train and grow strong. 18 years later, Namu is ready for the adventure with the help of her adoptive parents. Namu has no idea what happened in her past or has any memory of it or what kind of power she holds inside her. Soon, Namu finds herself in the middle of a crisis that threatens the whole world. Namu’s journey begins when she is sent to investigate the mines where dangerous and bootylicious snakes from the Clan Tiss’i have been attacking the innocent human workers. It’s Namu’s job to save the world.”
Date: 18.05.2020
Language: English
Version: 0.22
Censored: No
1- Extract to desired location.
2- Click on "Game.exe" to start playing.
IF your save is from older version of the game (0.12 or earlier) your save might not work properly. It's because of the fancy HUD I implemented in 0.13. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Version 0.22:
New Areas:
The Battlegrounds
The Grand Arena
Vaina'ja Location
Vaina'ja Entrance
Vaina'ja South
Vaina'ja South Inn
Vaina'ja North
Vaina'ja North - Healer Tent
The Battlegrounds
The Battlegrounds Item Shop
The Battlegrouns Weapon Shop
New weapons, rings and shields!
The Battlegrounds Inn
The Battlegrounds Bar
Assortment of drinks
The Grand Arena
The Grand Arena Fighting Grounds
Grand Arena Market - Fighter Enlisting
There is a very SPECIAL Orb SPECIALIST in here, who can turn your tier 3 Orbs like Lich's Orb, Inferno Orb, Avalanche Orb etc. into a better version! These Supercharged versions have better stats and more powerful spells. Spells will cost more tho.
Namu will participate in 5 fights in the arena:
Fight 1: Bandit Martial Artist
Fight 2: Veteran Undead Gladiator
Fight 3: Clan TIss'i
Fight 4: Vera "The Murderer" Glarionette
Fight 5: Rumpus The Destroyer
Grand Arena VIP Area
Grand Master Danoer's Office
Clan Tiss'i VIP Area
Snake Princess Tits!
Namu and her friends talking with Princess Fancy-Tail
New Lewd Scenes:
Kiva's Creamy Surprise, Animated (Gfycat)
Kiva gets tricked by a guy in Sata'ma, who promises a creamy treat for Kiva.
You can witness the scene in Sata'ma as many times as you want.
Viewing the scene in the gallery will also give you an option to remove Kiva's clothes!
Ran'ta Special Shop in Town of Ran'ta (Muh'kea) now sells a Ran'ta Teleportation Device
Maria Elfenbooben has her own standing picture now
Absorb Willpower (Namu, lvl 20), Damage increased. Increased TP cost from 10 to 22.
Buffed Mighty Blade of Awesomeness a little
Fixed Nethersword (Now actually applies Agility and Evasion debuffs)
Small changes to existing weapons (Mostly buffs!) Also, updated the descriptions.
Fire Slash, Flame Slash and Scorching Slash cost now less, like the other Elemental attacks.(8,16,24)
Encourage (Namu,lvl 31) Now buffs Namu's stats by 33% instead of 25% and also lasts 5 turns instead of 4.
Namu receives a new power called Challenge!(Lvl 34). Defense Increase, Attack Decrease. Tank Ability. Instant Cast
Namu learns a passive buff called Defiance at lvl 35. Permanent 10% HP Increase.
Purnima receives a new power called Flash Bomb (Lvl 33). Blind, Paralyze, Stun. Physical Damage to All Enemies.
Purnima receives a new power called Dance of the Shadows (Lvl 34). Massive Damage to all enemies.
Purnima learns a passive buff called Nimble at lvl 35. Permanent 5% Evasion Rate Increase
Kiva receives a new power called Slime Parasite (Lvl 33). Paralyze, Massive Damage-Over-Time.
Kiva receives a new power called Slimewall (Lvl 34). Enemy Damage and Hit Chance debuff.
Kiva learns a passive buff called Reinforced at lvl 35. Permanent 10% Physical Defense Increase.
Kiva has an extra Ring slot now and you can unequip her special ring aswell.
Itty bitty things
Bug Fix:
Fixed the Gallery version of Namu Butt Tentacle Sideway(Bandit Warlock) View-scene so it won't remove the Battle HUD
Purnima's Sucker Punch (Lvl 32) damage is now based on Attack not Magic Attack. (oops)
Ray of Dog (Ring) actually applies "Illuminated" to enemies now.
Sarianne will now actually vanish correctly after taking enough damage. (lol)
File size: 747 mb Creators:
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