Coming Back Home – New Version 1.1.2 [Hidden Life Studios]

Info: You were forced to live 7 years away from home, your only happy place. But, now, you are going back to home, and everything will be as perfect as you wish.
Date: 01.02.2023
Language: English
Version: 1.1.2
Censored: No
1. Extract and run.
– Added 10 scenes (107 renders, 457 lines) [Hailee = 6, Lyra = 2, Kayla = 2]
– Added Chatting System
– Added a Mini-game
– Compressed the game size
– Improved cheats, PC, freeroam, items, inventory, shops
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3 responses to “Coming Back Home – New Version 1.1.2 [Hidden Life Studios]”
The game is LITERALLy like aminute and a half long! The MC never even comes in contact with another person. He doesn’t even get to finish explaining the damned backstory before it cuts to a “game ends here for now” screen! Why would anyone even bother releasing this amount of unfinished product?! It makes no sense! How do you rate 5 sentences?!
There is more going on in the photos of the game above than actually exist in the game… I am so confused
you can easily wait at LEAST 2 years to play this…..nothing happens..prob never will…bs developer a waste of time