My Dorm – Season 3 – Chapter 3.0 – New Version 0.23.1 [Tropecita Games]

Info: A man, Mark by default but can be changed, returns home after college to find that his father has fled to the Caribbean with his mistress, after years of embezzling money at his job, leaving his now ex-girlfriend at home without money.
The main character will have to help turn the family home into a college dorm while reconnecting with the people he left behind when he started college in another city.
The game will show how old relationships are renewed, as well as the creation of new ones, with our character deciding which women to start these relationships with.
The first chapter features eight girls/women with whom there was a previous relationship; in the following chapters new women will be introduced, both previously known by the character, as well as new relationships to develop.

Date: 04.02.2025
Language: English, Spanish
Version: 0.23.1
Censored: No

1. Extract and run.

Part 1 – Version 0.12 in Extra Content MEGA
Part 1 – Version 0.12 – Android Port in Extra Content Google Drive

You need to have played Season 2 to play Season 3 and have a compatible Save game.
Instructions to change the language, import the game and apply the patch

v.0.23.1 (Season 3-Chapter 3) (2024-02-04)
English words: 27,120. 5th update in size. -5,958 words from 0.19. 553/day. 604,876 total for the whole game.
Spanish words: 25,384. 5th update in size. -5,737 words from 0.19. 518/day. 564,259 total for the whole game.
Lines of dialogue: 2,001. 6th update in size. -378 lines compared to 0.19. 44,573 total for the whole game.
Still images: 1,719. 4th update in size. -284 images compared to 0.14. 29,295 total for the whole game.
Animations: 44. 1st update in number of animations. +3 animations compared to 0.22. 533 total for the whole game.
Animated frames: 16,175. 1st update in number of frames. +4,047 frames with respect to 0.22. 66,070 total for the whole game.
Total renders: 17,894. 1st update in number of renders. +3,898 renders with respect to 0.22. 365/day. 95,365 total for the whole game.
Table of contents:
The update has 16 scenes of varying sizes. Remember I categorize scene size by word count like this:
Tiny (T): 5000 words
So these are the scenes:
Wake up with (or without) Scarlett. (Lewd (B): 4,200+ words, 13 animations, 5,247 renders)
Saira pregnancy test result. (M)
Talking about luggage and suitcases with Martha and Emma. (S)
A cheerleader (Eileen) in your room. (Lewd (B): 4,200+ words, 13 animations, 5,127 renders)
Kiara visits you. (S)
Alexia comes to give Kiara and Eileen a ride. (T)
Kim’s first job in Newport. (S)
Spending the night with Martha. (Lewd (H): 5,500+ words, , 17 animations, 5,593 renders)
Road trip. (B)
Renting a pink Ferrarini. (S)
Betty’s meeting (3 scenes (T) (T) (M)).
Informing the family. (S)
Sleep arrangements. (S)

Download links
Download for Windows Download from Ranoz Download from Fastt Download from Qiwi Download from AkiraBox Download from Mega Download from Racaty
Download for MAC Download from Mega Download from Racaty Download from Aupfile
Download for Android Download from Ranoz Download from Qiwi Download from ApkBox Download from TeraBox Download from Apkadmin Download from Aupfile
Inc Patch Download
Compressed Download
Extra Content Download from Mega Download from Google Drive Extra Content 1 Extra Content 2 Extra Content 3
Download Old for Windows Download from Old Version (Win) - Link1
Download Old for Mac Download from Old Version (Mac) - Link1
Download Old for Android Download from Old Version (Android) - Link1

Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , File size: 1930 mb Creators:

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55 responses to “My Dorm – Season 3 – Chapter 3.0 – New Version 0.23.1 [Tropecita Games]”

  1. RIP says:

    Why does the MC look like he is in his 50s? or is that just me?

  2. Roberto says:

    Please I would like the next volume after 0.6.0 I need it to continue the story.

  3. Barnabyadans says:

    Es una app muy buena.Pero ocupa mucho espacio en el terminal del dispositivo,deberian de reducir el tamaño en megabits

    • TropecitaGames says:

      El problema si se redujera el tamaño es que también se reduciría la calidad. En mi Patreon, desde la v.0.8.1 en adelante, hay una version con la calidad y el tamaño reducidos, queda un poco por encima de 1GB.
      The problem with size reduction is that it will also decrease image quality. On my Patreon from 0.8.1 onwards there is a reduced size/quality version, just over 1GB

  4. I just discovered my game is published here. I’ll visit this site often to answer any questions.
    Enjoy the game and don’t hesitate to ask any doubts you may have.

  5. Release Schedule for v.0.9A:
    * Martha’s Savior and Meemaw’s Joy: January 22nd
    * Norah’s Favorite: January 26th
    * Emma’s Own: January 29th
    * Daphne’s Teacher: February 1st
    * Erika’s Knight in Shining Armor: February 4th
    * Scarlett’s First Love: February 7th
    * Public version: Around February 10th

  6. V.0.9B has already been released on Patreon and Subscribe for the top tiers patterns. The release schedule is:
    Martha’s Savior and Meemaw’s Joy: March 10th
    Norah’s Favorite: March 14th
    Emma’s own: March 17th
    Daphne’s teacher: March 20th
    Erika’s Knight in Shining armor: March 23rd
    Scarlett’s first love: March 26th
    Public release: March 29th
    You can get it at:

  7. Loveincest says:

    This game is fucking good, i liked the story line and graphic, I’m waiting for new updates

  8. Anónimo says:

    Hola me encanta ese juego pero ya llevo 2 actualizaciones que lo descargo para androide y no me deja instalarlo. No sé que pasa que no se instala alguien me puede ayudar por favor.

    • ¿Qué error te da? No he tenido ningún problema instalándolo en ninguno de mis dispositivos (telefono/tablet).

      • Anónimo says:

        Hola el error es simple cuando al parecer termina de instalarlo en mi móvil me sale un cartel diciendo “no se instalo la app” mi móvil es un Xiaomi 9c de 4 GB de ram y 64 GB internos. No sé porque razón no se instala pues creo que memoria ram tiene y espacio también. Ya con esta es la 2da vez que me pasa y ha Sido con las 2 últimas actualizaciones. Gracias y discúlpeme las molestias.

        • Lo desconozco, mi madre tiene exactamente ese modelo de móvil y esta tarde lo he instalado en él sin ningún problema.
          ¿Alguien más tiene problemas para instalar el juego en Android?
          Does someone else have problems to install the game on an Android phone?

          • Anónimo says:

            Voy a descargarlo de nuevo y a instalarlo y le diré que pasa pues este juego me encanta. Si le hace falta que alguien le traduzca los juegos al español me puede decir que programa usar y se los traduzco.

  9. Soy español y lo escribo directamente en español. Se agradece que te ofrezcas a la traducción, pero como te digo, no es necesario.
    Un abrazo.

  10. Anónimo says:

    Hola tropesita espero no ser tan metiche pero te daría una sugerencia si no te molesta. Si puedes y está en tus manos mira ver si puedes terminar acá la primera temporada y empezar la segunda pues ya el archivo para androide se está haciendo grande y después no se va a poder jugar ni descargar, te sugiero empezar una nueva temporada, porque a esta historia todavía le queda mucho por contar espero y así de paso el archivo no se hace tan grande. Un saludo y al final pude instalar esta actualización y jugaría de verdad te felicito de la manera en la que estás llevando la historia, esta poniéndose cada vez más bueno el juego, un saludo, exito y felicidades.

    • Hola, no te preocupes, no me molesta. Tengo pensado hacer el cambio de temporadas durante el verano. Tendré más tiempo para estudiar como hacerlo y asegurarme de que todo funciona correctamente. De momento estoy lejos del tamaño máximo de apks para Android, que es lo que marca el límite.

  11. JR_LXIV says:

    Hey TropecitaGames where’s the update of android version 0.10b.2?

    • I don’t publish the free version here, it’s updated when the admins do it, and now it is.
      You can download the latest free version from my Discord or Patreon. I free up the posts there usually at midnight CEST the day of release.

  12. rufruf says:

    So far so good and im still at chapter 1.
    Writing is solid, minor mishaps, nothing major. Story is not bad either.
    Some models are too damn good lol

    One downside so far , music choice is absolutely terrible!
    All songs , especially when they go to club are some “cry me a river” cowboy songs, by cowboys.
    I’m not from usa and even if i were i don’t think i could stomach that music.

    There is massive library of copyright free music , that are good for ears.
    Rachel Leycroft Is one of Major singers that have those songs and she sounds fabulous.

    • rufruf says:

      Addendum to this as i got deeper into the game.
      Its rather good actually. It even has some intrigue for those seeking such.

      One thing i resent tho, Erika. Shouldn’t have tarnished one of the main girls like that. She’s like 18 years old? and full blown body tattoos, entire back, legs, arms..? Should have done that to some side character, not main one. How am i suppose to enjoy beauty of young girl when she is covered in ..all over? u cant see shit , she could be naked and still sell her self as fully clothed. Shitty either way.
      What will be with her in a few years? 100% coverage? you wont be able to recognize human person beneath. Bad choice

    • I’m glad you are enjoying the game.
      Music is something of a personal taste. What is terrible for someone is good for other people. I’m not from the US either, and I like the music I chose for those scenes.
      Rachel Leycroft’s music is only free for use in social media, it needs a license to be used in video games.
      About Erika’s looks, this game tries to have girls for almost every taste out there, so there are white girls, black girls, Latinas, Asians, tattoed, without tats, with bushes, and without. Erika is based on a real person (with her authorization), so changing the tats to fit “Game Erika”, their position is similar to “RL Erika”.

  13. Cas says:

    Rating is far to high for this game. MC is one ugly MF, girls have the brains from 10 years old kids, story is to stupid to follow and the graphics are not good and not to bad.

  14. rufruf says:

    Man ..Kim..
    Really, i couldnt care less if she has third ear or what ever, if she is good person, thats good enough for me!
    But attraction is something entirely else. I never saw a person with her problems.
    And the way she is presented in game, my brain can’t interpret that into attraction. Far from it that i hate it , come on, thats just ridiculous.
    And it has absolutely nothing to do with what was presented as choice for MC. That’s completely moronic!

    • rufruf says:

      Truth is that our brain needs to learn in order to understand. As i said i really couldnt care less of her appearance if she is good person.
      But this, its like jigsaw puzzle, my brain is scrambled and cannot translate what is it seeing.
      She said she had issues with her appearance and wanted to blend in on her first day ? Well i agree. For her own well being. Not because it bothers me!

    • Cas says:

      Reading your comment btw, why are you even looking at kims appearance, You have your own mental image off your wife/girlfriend/sexy neighbor, use it for frell sake.

  15. Brice says:

    Old save file not working. Not worth starting over.

  16. Jj says:

    Language is can I change that?

  17. Atro-pop says:

    Do I need to download part 1 too.

  18. Loko says:

    Hola, no hay otro puerto de descarga para androide de la primera parte que no sea mega? He descargado el juego dos veces desde mega y al final cuando voy a instalarlo me sale un cartel que no se instalo la app, alguien me puede ayudar por favor, pues quiero jugar nuevamente la primera parte para después jugar esta segunda parte. Un saludo y mis felicitaciones para tropecita por tan fabuloso juego, le deseo muchos éxitos.

  19. Marco says:

    I’m thoroughly enjoying this game. Loving the story … but I’m afraid that Emma and Daphne annoy the feckin’ Bejaysus out of me.

    I have no idea what I’d do with them in MC’s position but, sweet Jaysus!!

    The rest of girls?? Pure 24 carat gold. Diamonds of the first water.

  20. Smzp says:

    Can an admin update the game, please

  21. as says:

    pueden subir una nueva vercion por favor

  22. Why mee says:

    Nice game keep it up

  23. Smzp says:

    ¿Puede un administrador actualizar el juego, por favor?

  24. DannyDD says:

    Please help i can not find the the previous parts of this game..

  25. Smzp says:

    Puede un administrador actualizar el juego, por favor

  26. Smzp says:

    Puede un administrador actualizar el juego, por favor?

  27. El cubano says:

    Hola saludos al desarrollador de este juego, pero me gustaría hacerle una sugerencia, por favor cuando vaya a terminar una temporada avíselo en el último capítulo de esa temporada pues ahora mismo me perdí el capítulo 9 de la segunda temporada y ya pasó para la 3ra, así que no se que paso al final de la segunda temp. Si es posible obtener ese capítulo se lo agradecería para no perder el hilo del juego, pues está muy interesante la historia.

  28. Smzp says:

    Por favor actualisen el juego

  29. spell binder says:

    I down graded it too 2 stars on this version as it wasn’t a good update the the download link for the inc patch is shady wanting to go to another site untill it’s fixed it will remail at 2 stars.

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