The Adventurous Couple Original Story – Season 2 – New Part 4a [Mircom3D]

Info: You are married to Anne and you are looking to spice up your sex life. You enjoy showing off your wife and have fantasized about sharing her with others. Your journey starts with you taking baby steps to convince her along the way to reach your final goal of sharing her.

Date: 03.02.2025
Language: English
Version: Season 2 Part 4a
Censored: No

1- Extract to desired location.
2- Click on "The Adventurous Couple.exe" to start playing.

Chapter 1-10 Old in Extra Content MEGA Chapter 14 Full Fixed in Extra and Chapter 15 - Standalone in Content Google Drive

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47 responses to “The Adventurous Couple Original Story – Season 2 – New Part 4a [Mircom3D]”

  1. vendetta says:

    Buen juego , para cuando una actualisacion ? gracias

  2. Frnk82 says:

    As bad as any game gets worth a score of only 13% out of 100

  3. Dragonrage says:

    A disgusting racial grifter of a game.

  4. Lester says:

    Shitty interracial, where’s the TAG?!

  5. Cas says:

    It’s cheating,interracial,beta husband,written in a bad way and my interest is for ever gone.

  6. Your daddy says:

    Best game around at the moment. Too many insecure whimps downvoting it.

    • Cas says:

      So if you don’t want to play an MC, who watches his wife getting fucked by another man you’re insecure, what a logic. Or are you just a little sick in your head, and you like to be humiliated by a black pos.

      • Gamb says:

        Friend, why do you have to be the MC? Just be a fucking spectator who sees your neighbor’s wife being fucked by another guy, your problem is that you just want to be the fucker of the galaxies otherwise you’ll cry like little children who lost their lollipop

    • Lasher says:

      Found the useless, pathetic, cuck. Go fuight in Ukraine and die, you waste of sperm.

    • Matteo Torricelli says:

      You clearly have no fucking idea of what a wimp is.
      You’re the textbook definition of one, because you like this awful game made for sissies like you.

  7. Anonymous says:

    It’s 2023 and a lot of you mfs are still holding onto to the race bullshit. Get over yourselves, you like the game because it isn’t all white then go fuck yourself and make your own game. Talking that racial bs behind a screen knowing damn well you don’t have the nuts to say it to the race you dislike so much. Go take a bath in acid

  8. fly says:

    Part 8a is out now. Please upload it

  9. SurgeMcKocken says:

    So many dudes fucking your wife, but you get mad at the black dude? These commenters are fucking idiots. Same with the hotwife game. Your wife gets gangbanged by white dudes, but you guys complain about the one black dude, who I might even add, didn’t ask for any of this cuck nonsense, but somehow he’s at fault. You guys are stupid. This game is bad, but calling out the black dudes shows how fucking dumb you guys are. Because, I can bet the next cuck game being released here with one single black dude in it will probably get the same incels commenting. But we all know you guys actually like that BBC. Sad to see white boys being this embarrassing. You guys are giving us a bad rep.

    • Cas says:

      We hate BBC fantasy BS, so we like it. That’s the answer every gay fuck would give.

    • Matteo Torricelli says:

      Blacks are hated worldwide for a ton of reasons.
      Google up “Johnny Somali”, and “Japanese anti-dance law on trains”
      Then shut the fuck up and enjoy 4 years of Trump or, as you weidoes call him, Orange-man-bad

  10. fly says:

    Part 9a is out now. Please upload it. Have been out for 2 weeks

  11. Peter says:

    Hm when I started playing this I liked it as it had choices that worked. Anne could still play but you could choose to let her fuck or not. This is the only time i play NTR games. Sadly with this latest upgrade the dev has gone away from that. You get a scene in a bar where anne takes a dude(and he’s black…lol) and she fucks him and you get no say at all. She fucks 2 guys in the toilets. Wouldnt have been hard to give the player choices here so for me its a fckin write of now as I was keeping Anne from being fucked so far. Shame really as I enjoyed it up to now. As for all the BBC I understand that and it is totally overdone. I understand all the guys who are against it as there is far too much and the white guys are wayyyyy too wimpy and gay.

  12. Lastman34 says:

    Dude, are you kidding me? I downloaded the game but it won’t open.. I have to play season 1 first or something.. I wanted to play season 1 but this time it’s not on this site! Are you kidding me!?

  13. Trixxzz says:

    How do i ply for season 2? I already played season 1 from extra content.. how do i continue from season 1 to season 2

  14. Trixxzz says:

    So just downloaded it.. do i download and play season 1 first and then I download and play season 2? Because i downloaded both but installed season 2 first.. after installing season 1.. it updated but i can’t play season 1

  15. peter says:

    man this is fcked. My save game from season 1 wont load. keep getting error message, cant ignore as it just defaults to the start page. whats going on. Im up to day 60 something…surely i dont have to go back and start again. Ive tried manually loading save from previous version..didnt work..

  16. Trixx says:

    How do i update season 2.. it says invalid, can someone help

  17. Tiqqza says:

    Any other websites that i can download both seasons and continue playing from s1 to s2?

  18. Cas says:

    still cant believe this guy has been working on this same game for like 4 years now… Guy isnt in the business of finishing this game, hes in the business of keeping himself gainfully employed on patreon

    • Cas says:

      AJ23 i know you are stupid, but to forget to leave out your avatar while using someones user name and exposing yourself is very dumb. Go back to the kindergarten moron.

  19. Peter says:

    still yet another scene in the latest update where ur wife just fucks a black dude when they are doing a photo session…wimpy cuck hubby doesnt even get a say(yes I know thats what is implied by NTR) but previously the reader has been able to say yes or no. You get to do that in silly unimportant stuff tho?? Just saying the game is getting bent out of shape and choices are becoming blurred. Why not throw in some conflict?? MC gets fed up with not having a say, maybe some separation? Why not have MC beat the shit out of some of the dudesd sticking their cocks in Anne? Theres so much you could do with this, dont just let it run on and on…I for one want the MC to grow a spine.. would make for some really interesting storylines.. id do my won spin of this if I could code, Im a published author so I do have some knowledge of what Im talking about.

  20. Tuck says:

    I can’t seem to install season 2.. it says invalid as file cannot install as package?

  21. Tiqzza says:

    Hey,is there any link to play chapter 11-13 for the original one? Really appreciate if you can share any links,thanks.

  22. Shocker says:

    Fucking piece of shit dev, add some load option in 2nd season so we don’t need to play whole first season. I’ve already played it too many times and too many versions. Don’t ask me to download whole ass game again just to play few minutes of second season.

  23. Harlock says:

    pleac Need a completed PC save file from S1 to start S2. Play through S1 and save at the end. Start up S2 and load that same save file. (not android)

  24. Truqxx says:

    Part 3b is already released.. hope to get an update soon

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