The Bum – Version 0.8.5 Beta – Added Android Port [JTStudio]

Info: A former drug cartel gang member just out of jail finds himself on the street with no money,
no home, and possibly no future…
Will he be able to survive in the cruel world of The BUM where there is a lot of lawlessness?
Will he be able to become a normal person, or will he remain a bastard?
Just do it!​

Date: 24.02.2025
Language: English
Version: 0.8.5 Beta
Censored: No

1. Extract and run.

Version 0.8.5:
The prologue has been changed (a lot of content has been added(Includes many animations and 18+ scenes) for greater immersion and understanding of the depth of the plot)
Now you have the ability to skip the prologue (you will miss the advantage that you can get at the beginning of the game, but you will be able to start the game with default parameters).
Added a lot of information, hints in the prologue regarding game mechanics
Added 8k bonus renders with Karen
Added 8k bonus renders with Bella
Karen bonus event 18+(available in mode without cheats)
Added bonus scene 18+ with Bella, which can also expand the variation of her story(available in mode without cheats)
Slightly improved (improved code, made several corrections) the code in the event with Karen in the Cafe
Fixed a bug with a pop-up error during dialogue with Eddy (making peace when completing Vanessa’s story)
Fixed a lot of timings in Eddy’s house
Fixed a lot of timings in Barbara’s house
Fixed errors in hints when completing Adriana’s story
Fixed a sound error during the event with Maria at Don Hector’s penthouse
Fixed several bugs during the event with Bridjet and Ines in the VIP club (variables responsible for statuses did not work correctly)
Fixed a bug in the 18+ scene with Bridjet in cheap apartments (it was not possible to make her happy in some way)
Fixed a bug in the 18+ scene with Bella in cheap apartments (it was not possible to make her happy in some way)
Fixed a bug in the 18+ scene with Barbara and Harry at their house (it was not possible to make her happy in some way)
Fixed errors that occurred in the Cafe(in the city) during the Nestor event
Added bonus event 18+ with Ines in the store(available in mode without cheats)
The location in front of the police station has been replaced with a new one (graphics have been improved)
The location of the police station itself has been replaced with a new one (graphics have been improved)
The scene after leaving the police prison was replaced with a new one (graphics have been improved)
The conversation scene with Zeus at the police station has been replaced with a new one (graphics have been improved)
Dialogue scenes with Marco (Bella stage 7, stage 14) have been redone (improved and added graphic, improved code)
Added new music to the strip club
Added new background music
Added new atmospheric sounds
Three new characters added(Vivien, Blanca, Miguel)
New icons added
Some system sounds of the game have been changed
Some functions responsible for musical accompaniment have been improved and refined
Fixed bug with receiving 4k bonus from Catalina in cafe
Improved musical accompaniment for the event with the robbery of the main character at night
The passage of Bella has been slightly improved (the illogical connection associated with Nestor has been removed)
Balanced and reduced the difficulty of completing Bella’s story (stage 4)
Fixed a graphical bug in the old cemetery that was displayed early in the morning
New posters added
Added a more detailed walkthrough of Bella’s story. You can get it by purchasing a smartphone and going to the contacts section (Trial version, It is not a fact that this will be in the game in the future)
Added a more detailed walkthrough of Nestor’s story. You can get it by purchasing a smartphone and going to the contacts section (Trial version, It is not a fact that this will be in the game in the future)
New atmospheric sounds have been added to the street in front of the strip club
Fixed errors with incorrect calculation of Barbara’s stats in cheap apartments in the 18+ scene (sometimes this led to the impossibility of continuing the scene)
Fixed a bug in the event with Nestor in the Cafe (Catalina’s Gift was available without her presence)
Fixed a bug in the event with Enrique, Esmeralda, Adriana, and Leo in the Shopping District (wrong graphics were displayed when you looked at Adriana’s feet)

Download links
Download for Windows Download from Ranoz Download from Fastt Download from Qiwi Download from AkiraBox Download from Mega Download from Racaty
Download for MAC Download from Mega Download from Racaty Download from Aupfile
Download for Android Download from Ranoz Download from Qiwi Download from ApkBox Download from TeraBox Download from Apkadmin Download from Aupfile

Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , File size: 6450 mb Creators:

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59 responses to “The Bum – Version 0.8.5 Beta – Added Android Port [JTStudio]”

  1. Komeng says:

    For androids is broken

  2. Bigbuster says:

    Game don’t start, Error and Out!

  3. Daavy says:


  4. Alex says:

    add an.l scenes with bridjet and main character 😉

    • Alex says:

      or atleast try to consider that in the next months, she has a nice big ass and to be honest I was surprised to not see anal scenes between bridjet and main npc ….

  5. Daavy says:

    How to access menu with android?

  6. Komeng says:

    Very stupid games… no instructions… dont where i have to go….

  7. Mastafari says:

    Android version 6.5 is broken not able to save or open save ???

  8. Davy says:


  9. giorgi says:

    absolute garbage game very confusing and very complicated for a guy who just started that game. no fking hints where to go what do who to ask anything. you just get shot in every 2 seconds from thugs. this game needs grind of moonths without cheat mode and even w cheat mode unplayable! stupid wasted work that gives you abs0lute zero hints how to achieve anything

  10. X-ZEE says:

    How to save the game, plz.

  11. Remo says:

    This new version for Android …. save conference, preference, load ,auto, Skip ,back doesn’t have this any kind of options in the game

  12. Moto moto says:

    Estaría bueno que el desarrollar incluya las opciones de guardado para Android, sino cada vez que sales del juego se borra todo tu progreso y tienes que iniciar de nuevo… se vuelve tedioso y te obliga a desinstalar

  13. Jojo says:

    Bro what’s wrong with creator no update for Android

  14. Gepetto says:

    People are right. Very slow progres, complicated to use comands, very bad management of time. Neee… You can try but not recomanded.

  15. Yash568 says:

    Where is the android version?

  16. Heet says:

    How to complete bella child save where to go and how to save our character

  17. Heet says:

    How to complete mission save bella childrens where to go and how to save our character

  18. Estebancito says:

    Si lo jugas en android, no te lo recomiendo, muchos bug y no podés guardar el progreso y si lo jugas en PC puede ser que safe, pero no vale el tiempo invertido

  19. adndy says:

    save error

  20. Zack says:

    Nouvelle version toujours pas de système de sauvegarde error du jeu !!!! Mettez l’option de sauvegarde du jeu sur Android merci … Abusé pas de sauvegarde pfff

  21. Doru says:

    next update when ?

  22. Zack says:

    On peut pas sauvegarder !!! Pas d’onglet en bas avec menu skip comme dans l’ancienne version rien dans les options !! Grosse erreur dans cette version 8.1 Dommage toujours le même problème !!! Veuillez faire le nécéssaire pour mettre la sauvegarde au moin ! Merci

  23. Player says:

    Game disappoint me . No save option

  24. Player says:

    Where i can save my game

  25. Zack says:

    walkthrough guide please

  26. gunner says:

    Please Android hotfix (can’t save progress)

  27. Dip4ks says:

    For android port there is no save button fixed it

  28. Dip4ks says:

    When will come v0.8.3 for android port

  29. Mgrs says:

    In Renpy v8.2/8.3 Playing mini hotspot game with (Jennifer and Nestor) card doesn’t flip will you fixed it..

  30. Adndy says:

    How to progres lichina please
    Someone told.

  31. Zack says:

    Android ?… No ?

  32. Rahul says:

    How to progress Bella’s favor please
    Someone helps.

  33. Rahul says:

    As per the Walkthrough during a weekday and Bella will show up at around 11:00. Can anyone help how will it happen. Bella will not show up at around 11:00. I tried.

  34. Adndy says:

    Admin update the walkthrough please

  35. Enrico63 says:

    Where did these games go? These are the titles:
    Gate motel, 16 years later, A Moment of Bliss, Apocalust, Babysitters, Bad Memories, But im the bad guy, Dead Moon Survival, Family Faring, Fetish Locator, Forbidden Passion, Game Of Hearts, Heart problems, In a Scent, InSimology, Jason, Coming of Age, Jessica o neils Hard News, Malignant, My New Daughters, No More Money, Proud Father, Buried desire, Such a Sharp Pain, The East Block, The Five Star Stories, True Husband, Were nudists. Here, these are the games that haven’t been updated for a long time, you Patreon and shitty developers, instead of always asking for money for shitty games that you publish every day, release all those games that I listed previously with a new and long update, instead of feeding us shitty games every day. We are fed up with your useless fucking games!!!!

  36. Rahul says:

    Stage 4: Potential trouble
    info You need to be renting cheap apartment at the start of this quest.

    Stay at your apartment during a weekday and Bella will show up at around 11:00. Once you hear the doorbell ring, select:

    Open door > “Yes! Of course Bella! Come in.” > Continue…
    After she tells you the story about her and Hector, select:

    This will max out your relationship stats with Bella.

    Anyone help me how to do this? ” Stay at your apartment during a weekday and Bella will show up at around 11:00 ” = it has not happened.

  37. Angelo says:

    Il gioco crascia di brutto sistemate questa cosa

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