30 Year Old Virgin – New Version 0.34.DV [Black Star Games]

Info: 3Yov is a light hearted adult visual novel which is short for 30 Year old Virgin, it takes place in a universe where virgins whom on their 30th birthday are granted wizard like powers by a magic familiar that visits them in the night. The story will follow our protagonist at this moment in his life where it is forever changed. As he learns to wield and control his new powers and the lewd antics that come with it along the way. Soon after receiving these new powers our MC will be invited to join the Virgin League Defense Force where he will meet fellow wizards as they try to shield Earth’s citizens from threats that are within Earth itself and those beyond the stars. He will come across a variety of characters; whether it be from home, alien races or those from different universes altogether, many of whom will have romantic or lewd options in one shape or form.​

Date: 21.03.2025
Language: English
Version: 0.34.DV
Censored: No

1. Extract and run.

v0.28.dv win in Extra Content MEGA
v0.28.dv mac in Extra Content Google Drive
v0.28.dv android in Extra Content one

focuses a lot of Faye’s antics. First half is shes goes too far with her pranks and now our MC is set to punish her in a series punishments, each time going a bit further and further. Will Faye comply with MC’s lewd instructions or will she back down and risk being grounded?
Also the continuation of Lesbian Wars with the third scene for it. This time Faye finds one of MC’s lust potions and weaponizes it towards Ash to get her revenge. Little does she know that she will accidently afflict her self with the lust and things get heated. This scene ended up being a lot larger than I initially intended, a bunch of renders and four animations for it.
Lastly in 0.34 the family beach house is added to the map. It doesn’t have anything to do right now but it will be the setting of a massive event coming soon. Next update 0.35 will mostly be laying the foundation for those big events coming. It will also include weekend events, something that will have larger story and character progression. Don’t want to spoil too much right now as its a little ways away but lots of in game events will converge advancing many girls interaction with our MC.

Download links
Download for Windows Download from Ranoz Download from Fastt Download from Qiwi Download from AkiraBox Download from Mega Download from Racaty
Download for MAC Download from Mega Download from Racaty Download from Aupfile
Extra Content Download from Mega Download from Google Drive Extra Content 1

Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , File size: 3390 mb Creators: https://www.patreon.com/BlackStarGamesPatreon

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8 responses to “30 Year Old Virgin – New Version 0.34.DV [Black Star Games]”

  1. w van schaik says:

    Maybe humor for some special kind of people , but i pass .

  2. Ilan says:

    Too many ads in game

  3. Sparky says:

    This takes SANDBOX GRIND to a new level, with hover-over images TOO. Expect 1000 clicks per hour.

  4. Folk says:

    This Android version has bugs bro, I can’t talk with CoC neither go to clothing store , maybe fix the bugs next update please

  5. El cubano says:

    Hola admin en el contenido adicional para androide cuando lo abro me sale que el archivo peso 42.1 Mb eso está bien o es un error por favor arreglarlo para poder jugar la primera parte.

  6. El cubano says:

    Hola admin me podrás responder por el amor de dios, de verdad es desesperante ver cómo pasan los meses y no recibo ninguna respuesta de parte suya, en el link que usted mando en el comentario de Ilan el 15 de octubre del 2023 el archivo para androide es la versión 0.23 y mide 576.6 Mb y sin embargo en el contenido adicional el link para androide de mega solo mide 42.1 Mb, podrá arreglar ese error o seguirá sin hacer caso omiso a lo que alguien le dice, será acaso que no tiene tiempo por estar jugando los juegos y no revisa las páginas, por favor al menos tenga la delicadeza de responder pues es el segundo comentario que hago, pues el primero lo hice el 1 de septiembre de este año y no he tenido respuesta, veremos si este al menos lo responde. Ah y si puede mandé el link de pixeldrain que es mejor para descargar en mi opinión. Gracias…….???????

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