Princess & Conquest – Version 0.17.8 [Towerfag]

Princess & Conquest is a RPG-Strategical game hybrid where you, the Knight, will have to decide the fortunes of a kingdom, plunged in war after the sudden disappearance of the former ruler, the Dragon Princess.
The world is split in two big regions, with everything a RPG needs: there are cities, hidden dungeons, events laying around, a lot of NPCs… and each region is home to the reigns of 10 different princesses, adding up to the grand total of 20 different, and unique ones!
Every reign has a Princess at his head and all of the princesses (and many NPCs) can be hired in the Knight\’s team!
This will boost your fighting power, as usual, but will also permit you to get more ‘intimate’ with the princess you saved!
At the beginning of the game all the reigns will be in peace with eachother, but as time passes (there’s a day/night cycle), even if the player decides to just sit on the map, some of them will grow stronger than other ones (depending on racial attributes, their wealth accumulating and other random factors to spice things up).
If the gap reaches critical levels war ensues.
As the Player you can help maintaining peace, outright favor one of the 20 princesses (directly or not), or just watch the world burn from afar.
The combat is action-packed, there are unique skills for every party member, there are sieges, boss-battles, traps and everything you need to get your blood running.
There\’s a story going in the background, but the game itself remains completely open-ended.
Every faction has some winning conditions to satisfy in order to win the game and when it happens, there’s a NG+ where you’ll be able to carry (soon) special items and bonuses you got in the game that just ended!

North you'll find the cheatstone which is a floating crystal where you place the code.

107598 -> Randomize/De-randomize Princesses and Soldiers
294334 -> Change Season
511539 -> Change weather to your liking
799731 -> Set Merchant Princess location
833298 -> Make all Princesses pregnant
793302 -> Toggle ON/OFF Max Fertility for all the Princesses
573908 -> Unlock every animations
339200 -> Kingdom: TOTAL WAR!
755067 -> Diplomacy reset
295575 -> Peaceful Kingdom~
888066 -> Reach max level with the "Knights INC."
422966 -> +10 to all stats to the party's leader
203304 -> -10 to all stats to the party's leader
294221 -> Relationship with all the Princesses to 5
505797 -> Relationship with all the Princesses to 0
974561 -> Affinity with all the Reigns to 10
870449 -> Affinity with all the Reigns to 0
244173 -> Access CANDY cheat menu
398534 -> Access Bank CANDY cheat menu
900221 -> Get all the dowries!
674606 -> Get all Resistances (Poison, Heat, Cold, Diving)
922088 -> Get a series of delicacies from the Kingdom (10x)
990278 -> Make all Princesses succubi

Date: 26.05.2020
Language: English
Version: 0.17.8
Censored: No

VX Ace RTP is required to play the game.

1. Download and install the VX Ace RTP if it isn't installed.
2. Extract and run.

Version 0.17.8:
We actually do games too, not only bloody polls!

~Featured in this build~

Frog Princess

Hammerhead Princess

New menus for Saves and Cheats

And much more, see below!

Additions and changes:
* Hammerhead Princess NSFW scene added
* Hammerhead Princess NSFW animation #1 added
* Frog Princess new events! Help her get to her new Throne room!
* Frog Princess NSFW animation #2 added
* Autosaves work again and we're testing a new Save menu, showing names and other additional infos of your playthrough
* Cheat Menu moved to the Main Menu!
* Wish Wisp item reworked!
* "Croaking Up" Achievement added
* New Affinity bar at castles' entrance
* Mermaid Egg portraits added
* Mermaid warning sign in the waters around their Reing added
* Added Bunnysuit costumes for Mermaids
* Added Battlesuit costumes for Mermaids
* Added Courtesan costumes for Mermaids
* Added Keroic Suit costume for Frog Princess
* Added Patron NPCs (Polt, Mialee, Mallow, Humer, Tsukimi, Dew)
* Added portrait for Starchy
* Shadow Scarf can now be used during infiltrations


Includes 10052020 hotfix
* Crash on load in the Gate of the Abyss zone
* Rain/other weathers remaining when entering the GotA zone
* "Unknown" reward from the Stone Knife/Brothel
* Holstaur minigame starting if an egg hatches while in the Milk Bar
* Actors will now regain 1 HP when forced to switch during a scene (like the forced switch to the only swimming actor while underwater)
* Buggy particle for Cat Sith projectile
* (Succubus) Desert Princess female progeny crashing the game during their delivery

Includes 14052020 hotfix
* Cow race wrong item rewards / quest completion triggers
* Missing Human Princess dialogues in her castle
* Bunny Hoodie -> Plain Costume
* Mermaids can't be obtained from Life Pearl resurrections anymore (for reasons)
* Mermaid -> Other Reigns war declarations are now prevented
* Crashes when attempting to use "Prayer: Purify!" on Cat Princess Nekomata form
* Fairy NPCs appearing were they shouldn't (Milk Bar, Hunter Terrace, Golden Stump, Clocktown, Goblin Brewery, Dance Club of Death)


* Color adjustments on yellow kobold NPCs animations
* Dog NPCs Bunnysuit ears position fixed
* Depositing/Withdrawing from Progeny Menu adding Points to distribute
* Progeny being born with 0 Points to distribute
* Some wrong sprite calls for Finhead / Mermaid NPCs
* Nya Nya Doll not being given through Breeding Contract (Rabbit)
* Not-existing item being given through Breeding Contract (Rabbit)
* Big Bad Woof costume avaiable every time you enter the Wolf Cave
* Slime Sea Salts quest not completing correctly
* Camping while underwater disabled
* Other typos and minor issues

Download links
Download for Windows Download from Mega

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