Carnal Contract – New Version 0.9 Rework [Dotty Diaries]

Info: A young man from a formerly rich family lost his father in a weird accident and is left with a major burden of debt.
As a new “man of the family”, he feels responsible for taking care of the situation.
An opportunity appears in the form of a weird game that offers,
good money in exchange for completing seemingly minor challenges.
MC quickly realizes that is not true since challenges affect his relationships with the closest people in his life.​

Date: 09.07.2024
Language: English
Version: 0.9
Censored: No

1. Extract and run.

Bonus code for version 0.9: lovedianee
Bonus code for version 0.8: carnalcontract

Before the Rework (v0.8) win in Extra Content MEGA
Before the Rework (v0.8) mac in Extra Content Google Drive

REWORK – v0.9
– Freeroms – Sandbox
– Peeking opportunities
– Panties hunt
– Additional scenes for episodes 1-4
– Around 4500 renders

Download links
Download for Windows Download from Qiwi Download from Mega Download from Racaty Download from Aupfile Download from Uploadhaven
Download for MAC Download from Mega Download from Racaty Download from Aupfile Download from Uploadhaven
Download for Android Download from Qiwi Download from ApkBox Download from TeraBox Download from Mixdrop Download from Apkadmin Download from Aupfile
Extra Content Download from Mega Download from Google Drive

Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , File size: 2150 mb Creators:

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19 responses to “Carnal Contract – New Version 0.9 Rework [Dotty Diaries]”

  1. Me says:

    Dont download!! Trojan inside!!

  2. w van schaik says:

    No thanks the story is to stupid just like the mc , even if it’s fantasy . My brain can’t get so low to like this .

  3. rufruf says:

    I thought i give it a go.
    But..turned out that hotest meat in game is mc’s ex who cheated on him ..and all sex scenes are about her.
    Do you feel like playing something like that? I Don’t

  4. Maxx says:

    Where is the mega link ?

    • miladmin says:

      If you mean for Android, we are using 5 download options, our advice is Qiwi as they offer excellent speed with only 1 pop up.

  5. Miaximus says:

    Carnal Contract [v0.5 Ep. 5] [Dotty Diaries]



    Walkthrough and gallery mod by koga3:

    Android compressed also by koga3:

    suport koga3 :

    Need more compressed, mod, walkthrough mod, or others, feel free to contact me on discord.

    Little Support will help.

  6. Mehmet says:

    Oyundaki kod kaç bilen varmı

  7. mrFerz says:

    instead of a change log

    Hey guys,

    I’m the developer of the Carnal Contract game.

    I’d like to take this moment to thank you all for your comments, suggestions and constructive feedback you’ve provided over the last 9 months. I really appreciate your time and effort you put in providing your suggestions how to make this game better with every release.

    Like most of you already know, this game is my first adventure with VN. And I can say it’s been a quite a journey, but looking back on where I started, I am amazed by how much I have learned in the process with your great support here.

    With each your comment, I learnt a little bit more about your expectations and what still needed improvement. Most importantly I had the chance to identify and fix things I missed.

    Sometimes it felt like homework, and you caught all the mistakes I made after I submitted it. And that was exactly how I learnt the most, so thank you for that kind of support.

    I’ve already fixed many small things you mentioned. Some comments don’t require changes since they’re important for the story, but many were just things I overlooked.

    Also, my coding skills are getting better. The first version of the game was lacking important features in preferences, dialogs, and a gallery. But now, it’s much, much improved.

    I’m currently working on a new gallery that includes scenes, not just images like it does now. It’s still a work in progress, so you can expect it to be added to the game in the upcoming weeks.

    The story was the most challenging part of the game. At first, it was quite straightforward, but then I started branching the story based on the Love Interest (LI). And in the last few episodes, the paths are diverging even more depending on the LI you choose.

    In the first episodes, there were some things I implemented wrong, like forcing you to have sex with an ex-girlfriend, but I resolved that a few episodes ago. There still exist some forced sex scenes, but they are with side characters, not the main one.

    I still have to purchase and include better music in the game, create a gallery with scenes, and include more options for you to choose.

    I’ve really dedicated myself to developing the mysterious game in which the main characters are trapped. I hope you enjoy that part because it adds an extra layer to his game journey.

    Carnal Contract file is huge (increasing by 1.5-2.5GB with each episode), but as Abhai mentioned, it’s due to poor optimization. The game has more than 7,000 renders in PNG format, and I’ve already tried to optimize it and convert it to other format, but I wasn’t satisfied with the quality decrease that happened during conversion.

    Solving this is on my TODO list before the next episode.

    Someone will probably publish our last chapter (episode 7) here in a few days, but there’s no need to wait, I will share it here with you so you can play it.

    Because you’ve helped me a lot with your comments and support, I am leaking the game here.

    Keep in mind, it’s huge (12GB), but I’m sure someone will put out a smaller version soon after this post.

  8. Mehmet says:

    Does anyone know the door code?

  9. CJ7 says:

    Extra content code for new version: carnal contract

  10. Jhon says:

    Please udate the game. I really like it

  11. Brice says:

    Prior save files are not working.

  12. Wattie says:

    but what a rework… it’s a previous version…….LoL

  13. Michael says:

    I tried this game. I would not recomend it. I had the codes and when i put them in nothing worked. I say don’t waste your time.

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